Monday, December 3, 2007


One of the most crucial components of my jazz education was totally illegal. I discovered that Milton's Tap Room on Main Street would serve me alcohol when I was still a teenager. The fact that Milton's was a jazz-oriented tavern was initially a secondary consideration. But I quickly became fascinated by the impressive collection of jazz albums prominently displayed behind the bar. Hearing scratchy recordings by Grant Green and Jimmy Smith in the smoky, scotch-drenched joint demonstrated to me that jazz was anything but a stiff, academic exercise.

(Image nicked from the internet.)


  1. One from the Amen Corner! I didn't go there much, but what a revelation it was that Milton didn't even bat an eye at the nervous suburban kids. I remember slouching in a booth at the very back, one sultry ballad after another playing, when a guy stumbles in and goes straight to the bar. Only after he'd knocked one back and was working on the chaser did we realize he wasn't drunk — he was staggering because of a fresh stab wound in his side. *That's* Milton's!

  2. I never witnessed anything that exciting, BD. But I recall being more than mildly titillated by the chance to watch "working girls" unwind.

  3. I lived at Milton's nearly everynight from the mid 1970's to well past his passing. And I might add that some of those sounds you were soaking up were picked out and sold to the man himself by yours truly. Always cut the man an excellent deal.


  4. Just ran onto your blog. FANTASTIC! Thanks for being a jazz lover in KC and for spreading the word.

    From a jazz artist in KC.

  5. I hope you're listed in the right column, Jazz Momma.

    Hey, all you musician and promoter types- feel free to email me with news and such.
