Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Confirmation: Weekly News & Notes

*What a treasure! Check out this recently uploaded sidewalk interview with Eddie Saunders from 2004.

*KCUR's KC Currents spoke with Harold O'Neal. Download the fascinating interview here. (Tip via KCJazzLark.)

*Steve Penn checks in with Chris Burnett. He also provides an update on the Black Archives of Mid-America.

*More essential history about Kansas City's jazz scene is provided by KCJazzLark.

*Wonderful footage of a duet with Jay McShann comes near the conclusion of the new documentary Dave Brubeck: In His Own Sweet Way.

*Krystle Warren is performing December 16 at Shakespeare & Co. in Paris. (Tip via Steve Paul.)

*Ink reviewed Mark Lowrey's new Live at Jardine's album.

*The Peachtree Restaurant in the Power & Light district has closed.

*The majority of the 13 comments at the previous Plastic Sax post are compelling.

*Tweet o' the Week: marklowreymusic: Shay Estes Broockerd and I will preview a few new covers Thursday December 9th at the Marquee Lounge. The show is from 8 to 11pm. (Plastic Sax editorial: This is how it's done. It's astounding that so many jazz musicians continue to ignore Twitter.)

*Here's the flyer for the Friday performance by the Black House Improvisors' Collective.

*From Bob Asher: Top of the Bottoms Social Aid - Pleasure Club - Benevolent Society will be hosting our 11th annual Masquerade Ball on Saturday, February 26 at Crosstown Station... This year, we will feature two floors of entertainment including Hearts of Darkness and Pope of Dope on the main floor and Snuff Jazz and DJ Fat Sal in the upstairs "Krewe Lounge".

(Original image by Plastic Sax.)


  1. Remember My Space and web sites. I put all my energy into those and where has it gotten me. They are both more or less obsolete.

    How do I know Tweeting and Face Book won't become obsolete in six months. We cannot as a society embrace every whim that pop culture throws our way.

  2. Best Plastic Sax comment ever!

    I assume that "Wynton" is actually one of my friends having a laugh. In the off chance that this comment is legit, however, I'll offer a serious response.

    Things move quickly, "Wynton," and the rate of change will continue to accelerate. If your business model includes engaging the public, you're just going to have to keep up.

    Twitter takes about ten minutes to master. It probably took Mark Lowrey one minute of typing on his cell phone to notify 40 of his biggest fans about this gig. The actual Wynton Marsalis, incidentally, told his 12,424 followers about his appearance on ABC's Nightline yesterday.

    Incidentally, Joey Calderazzo (see previous post), said that a good portion of his 2010 bookings began with discussions on Facebook.

  3. The important thing to remember about digital music distribution and online networking in this age is that it will change. I have been involved in this from the literal beginning. I have seen everything come and go. The historically logical answer to Wynton is that Tweeting and Facebook as you know them now will become obsolete in six months. That is the beauty of the age we live in. HIB is correct in pointing out that most established people in the jazz industry don't have a clue how to use the resources available yet. And, even when they 'think' they do, it is often funny for someone who understands the dynamics involved to read (or hear) comments they make authoritatively about this new paradigm. It is like me trying to speak about Economics to an Economist and expecting to be taken seriously beyond a general sense...

    Peace, Cb

  4. Thanks for listening to KCUR and KC Currents and for bringing our stories to your readers' attention. We heart Plastic Sax,
    Alex Smith (KC Currents)
