Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Confirmation: Weekly News & Notes

*Bob Bowman was interviewed by Joe Dimino for the Neon Jazz podcast.

*KC Jazz Lark reviews new albums by Bob Bowman and Tyrone Clark.

*Book of Gaia appeared on a local television program.

*The Pitch recommends Tyrone Clark's gig at the Blue Room.

*The blog of Mills Record Company touts a concert featuring the Jorge Arana Trio.

*Hermon Mehari shared a sample of last Saturday's performance at the Blue Room.

*The Vanguard Jazz Orchestra's OverTime: Music Of Bob Brookmeyer was nominated for a Grammy award in the category of Best Large Jazz Ensemble Album.

*Tweet o' the Week: Green Lady Lounge- Jazz doesn't suck. Taking 25min set breaks and 10mins deciding what the next Jobim standard you're going to play sucks.

*Comment o' the Week: Anonymous- Nice to see Flying Lotus at the top of your list. Not my favorite of the year, but hats off to you and him for putting a needle in the arm of the current day jazz scene. (And aren't you an old dude? - ha!)

*From the American Jazz Museum: On Thursday, December 18, we will host the 7th Annual Musicians' Appreciation Day, in partnership with Truman Medical Centers, the Coda Jazz Fund, and Elder Statesmen of Jazz. Jazz musicians can take advantage of free health screenings and a mobile marketplace of fresh produce provided by Truman Medical Centers and enjoy a performance by Elder Statesmen of Jazz in the Blue Room.

*From the University of Kansas: The University of Kansas Jazz Ensemble I and the University of Missouri Concert Jazz Band will meet for two shows on Saturday, Dec. 13, 2014 at The Blue Room in the American Jazz Museum in Kansas City, MO… These unique concerts feature KU Jazz Ensemble I led by Dan Gailey, KU director of Jazz Studies, and MU Concert Jazz Band led by Dr. Arthur White, MU director of Jazz Studies.

(Original image by Plastic Sax.)

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