*Valuable information about the American Jazz Museum and the Mutual Musicians Foundation is provided by Steve Penn. (Can any Plastic Sax readers offer additional insights into the reference to the album collection from Milton's?)
*The Phoenix might be remodeled according to Hearne Christopher.
*Ken Peplowski's tribute to Benny Goodman is previewed by The Kansas City Jewish Chronicle. The show is at the Folly Theater on December 18.
*AfterGroove has an impressive new promotional video.
*A Diverse gig is reviewed at a senior citizen's blog. Awesome.
*Sue Vicory has announced that her Kansas City jazz and blues documentary will have its official premiere on May 6.
*Ten live performance videos by the Kansas City Jazz Orchestra were recently uploaded at YouTube.
*Tony of Tony's Kansas City continues his Dave Stephens coverage here and here. Hearne Christopher chimes in here.
*Between Kevin Mahogany, Mark Pender and the Hatchlings, the Cherokee Jazz & Blues Festival in Iowa has strong ties to Kansas City.
*Mouth may or may not be a jazz band, but they sure work hard to promote their gigs. "Everything that you wish that the jazz bands had- they've got it," a reggae musician says of Mouth in this promotional video for their Funk & Reggae Dance Summit at the Beaumont Club on December 18.
(Original image by Plastic Sax.)
Please tell me exactly where on her site the May 6 date is shown...I can't find it anywhere. It's maddening.
It's a Twitter thing:
Ah, well, I'll give her a pass this time since she's a "jazz person" on Twitter. I'd be on there if I had a phone that could handle it, and frankly, I'd rather now follow on a PC. Twitter just seems to be the type of thing that should be read from your palm, not a desktop.
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