Present Magazine recently invited readers and critics to submit year-end lists. One of my contributions comprised one of three jazz-related submissions. I've included it below. Andrew Zender of the American Jazz Museum offered his choices for local jazz releases, while K.C. of KKFI made a few thoughtful picks. And don't overlook Present's extensive library of MP3s. It includes a handful of jazz selections.
The Ten Most Important Jazz-Related Events and Stories of 2007
1. Continued audience erosion - Lots of empty seats at both large and small shows.
2. Closing of the Phoenix jazz club - An ominous sign of the times.
3. The 18th & Vine Street Festival - Easily the most engaging event of the year.
4. The arrival of Greg Carroll - A lot hinges on the new director of the American Jazz Museum.
5. Rebellion- A few creative musicians are forging new paths with new audiences.
6. Rush Hour at the Mutual Musicians Foundation - The best place to spend Friday afternoons.
7. The departure of Lee Ingalls - It's the end of consistent local jazz programming on KCUR.
8. The Peachtree Restaurant leaving 18th and Vine- Uh oh.
9. Megan Birdsall's health problems - Awful timing for the rising star.
10. The inception of Plastic Sax - All eight readers agree!
(Image pilfered from the internet.)